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Thread: Slideshow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Slideshow


    I am using Xara Web Designer 9 Premium trial program and would like slideshow to transition from left to right slowly.
    The slideshow available in the trial says All Effects Slideshow.
    I want the small navigation buttons at the bottom to be changed in color and inside the slider frame.
    I really like the program and want to purchase the full version but do not see how slow down the images or change direction on current slideshow.

    Kind Regards,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Slideshow

    Jay, it is called All Effects as it is demonstrating the transitions the Xara products are capable of.
    That said, do not expect the bought product releases any further functionality; Xara has custom-build their slideshows but only allow you to alter the pictures and a few parameters. Other slideshows on offer allow the colours to be themed, but overall they are quite restricted.

    There are other applications that you can plug into Xara. I personally use the jQuery Cycle plug-in [http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/] (which Xara uses) or Cycle2 and create my own slideshows as I then have totally control over speed, transition, captions and colouring.

    Others prefer similar products, which all require some study to tune to your particular needs.

    I can't say categorically that any of the Xara Slideshows have a left to right movement.

    The final approach is to embed a set of picture pages within a Xara IFRAME and add a small bit of JavaScript or jQuery code to fire the transitions.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Slideshow


    Does any one know how to make the slider images go from left to right on this site below made with Xara?






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