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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Publish error - "This page has not been exported yet"

    I am getting this error message displayed in my browser window after attempting to publish a site.

    Even though I carry out an export and then publish the same message appears. The publish process has been working fine and this issue only started since I have included WOW Slider feature into the site.

    I have ensured that the WOS Slider file name is changed from the default "index.html" and inserted the source codes into the header and body section, exported the WOW folders to the same location as the Xara site locally.

    Deleting the WOW slider placeholder frame from the page and then publishing doens't change the error message.

    Looking at the Xara index file size following "export" it is around 53K - the same index file is only 470 Bytes after "Publish"

    If I FTP the larger export index file to the webserver manually the action of publishing still overwrites the file. Choosing to delete the index.xlh file on the server and going through the publish process doesn't resolve the problem.

    Can anyone offer any light as to how to resolve this issue please?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Publish error - "This page has not been exported yet"

    What I have stumbled upon is that if I don't export the Xara site files to a local folder first and simply publish it straight to the web server then the problem doesn't occur. Following that up with a manual FTP upload of the Wow Slider folders and it all seems to work.

    Through frustration I created a new clean folder, saved the Xara .web file to the new location and started working from a clean directory. Don't know if that has any bearing on the fix but I was starting to chase my tail and getting nowhere fast - so in desperation I threw all of my limited technical knowledge at it. ie...GO BACK TO THE START!

    In order to preview a page together with the WOW Slider feature requires that you export your Xara website to a local disk first. After that, apparently you just "publish it" - but that's where I came unstuck. Perhaps there is a conflict of naming or code that causes the publishing error, or maybe I have just screwed up somewhere along the way and broke it.

    For now, this work around seems to to the job so - happy now!




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