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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    St Ives, Cornwall, UK

    Default Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    In my old thread about Xara on Mac OS X, I mentioned that one solution might be running Xara under CrossOver (this is a wrapper for the technology known as "Wine" to all the Linux fans). This sort of solution emulates the Windows subsystem, so does not need a copy of Windows to be installed within software like Virtual Machine software like VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop or VirtualBox.

    Anyway, at the time of my post, Xara ran in CrossOver but with a few issues - the worst of which was that editing text would crash the app.

    For the past few weeks I have been a registered/supported user of CrossOver and have been in communication with their developers to try to add official support for Xara. Whilst they are reluctant to spend time supporting what they consider a small-user-base application, they continue to refine their software and one of the recent changes has had the side-effect of improving support for Xara. The Xara text tool no longer crashes the app!

    Though there are still some minor issues: selected text does not appear selected, resize handles do not show on objects (rotate/skew show fine), OpenType font support is sketchy (TrueType is fine) to name the three major ones preventing me from using it full time.

    Xara Designer Pro now runs without crashing in the latest nightly builds of CrossOver. This support will reach the retail release soon.
    You can access your Mac fonts, no need to have to duplicate them in Windows.
    But there are still a few issues before it is classed as perfectly usable, see above.
    No need to buy a copy of Windows and use VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop or VirtualBox.

    DEAR XARA...
    If I can get these results on my own with little time and effort, imagine what Xara could do if they were communicating with CrossOver/Wine themselves.

    Anyway, I will keep you all updated with further news. If anybody has any questions then fire away.

    Last edited by gingerbeardman; 14 November 2012 at 07:13 PM. Reason: typos

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    Thanks Matt. I'm a Windows user but I know there were quite a few Linux users for a while.

    The problem is that Xara (now part of Magix) only has limited resources, and so they have chosen to concentrate on the Windows versions of their product line. Maybe some day when Xara becomes one of the giant software companies... Then again, probably not going to happen in my lifetime.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    St Ives, Cornwall, UK

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    I'm not sure the standard response of "Xara is a small company and has limited resources" applies here.

    This time I'm not asking for a Mac OS X or Linux version.

    Rather, I'm just talking about an easier way of running the Windows version on other operating systems. Xara doesn't need to lift a finger.

    If Xara (multiple people, who manage to crank out a new version of their app every year) want to make this sort of support more official, they can easily pick up the phone or fire off an email to CodeWeavers/CrossOver.

    Otherwise, I (one person, who has a full time job) will continue to push support forward for purely selfish reasons, with the knowledge that other users will also benefit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    I have a Mac, but for the moment haven't migrated Xara to it. Since CrossOver has issues with Xara, I would be unwilling to invest in it to run Xara, even though on the face of it it is a cheaper solution - I would rather pay more and get a better solution.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    St Ives, Cornwall, UK

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    Understandable, Paul. I got CrossOver free in a giveaway they were running around the time of the recent US election.

    It shouldn't be long until the remaining issues are overcome, at which point it will be as good a solution, if not better, than running a VM.
    How long is difficult to say, and it would be quicker if Xara put their (limited) weight behind the initiative. But I'll truck on regardless.

    I'll keep this thread updated with progress.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Park City, Utah

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    I'm moving into the world of macs. From experience by other Xara users here, what is the best set up to run Xara on a mac? Thanks is advance for your input.

    Never mind I found this tread : http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...Xara-and-Apple
    Last edited by camelot217; 17 November 2012 at 01:37 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    St Ives, Cornwall, UK

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    Currently the best solution is installing Windows into a Virtual Machine. Choices are VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop (both cost money), Virtualbox (free). Plus you need a copy of Windows (XP will do).

    The VM approach allows drag and drop support between Mac and Windows but you will have to install fonts into Windows. And of course install, configure and maintain Windows.

    This thread is about a lower cost approach using CrossOver (paid) that's a quicker and does not need Windows or a VM. But it's still a work in progress.
    Last edited by gingerbeardman; 18 November 2012 at 09:36 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    St Ives, Cornwall, UK

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    I've just sent this in a PM, but thought it would make sense to post it here also.

    There is slow but steady progress in the Crossover world. It is usable.

    There are a few outstanding issues:
    Resize/selection drag handles do not appear (but you can interact with where they should be displayed).
    Selected text is not shown highlighted.
    - these are essentially the same issue - Crossover does not support the method Xara uses to draw inverted colour rectangles on the screen.

    Error when trying to use OpenType fonts
    - avoid them and just use TrueType fonts

    - Xara Installation manager may not show any progress during download, but it will complete.
    - Install into a Windows XP bottle.

    So, is it my chosen way to run the app? No.
    Will it be in future? Hopefully.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    My update is that Xara runs quite well under parallels. I managed to get parallels at a reasonable discount and I wanted to get access to my old Xara files.

    I don't really use it in anger and have had some issues with copy and paste from outside the app.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    St Ives, Cornwall, UK

    Default Re: Running Xara on Mac OS X with shared font support and without Windows/VM!

    Another, free, option is VirtualBox which I intend to test ASAP.



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