Hello Pete - Here are the 2 files Forms2go produce. You first point F2G to the html web site it then saves a settings file then it saves the PHP code that you upload to the host server. As SSP has input forms built in there is no place holder required. what I need to do using Xara is produce a form with some form creation tool - create the html code and parse it with F2G application then place the html code on the ? place Holder or maybe the body/header area then upload the PHP code to the server. - I think F2G has a free trial so you could check it out if you want - The main benefit of doing it this way is as the PHP code is on your host server you are not being charged for every form that is processed and you can process as many as you like and F2G is only $30 so its a money saver!

Help - I tried to upload the files but got message invalid file type