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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    Hi tod

    yes, that's the equivalent of: 'no problems if the WNC is actually disconnected' for those with cable rather than wireless network connections, as mentioned post #10 above

    you will probably find you can disable/enable the connection in the taskbar depending on how your computer is set up, which is probably better than physically removing the cable every time...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    This will work - delete ALL back-up files C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Local\Xara\XtremePro\8.1\Backups - then it must start normally. Tell me if it helps It seems a usual problem when alot of backups and recent files open and freeze the programm!
    Last edited by LogoMount; 20 June 2013 at 11:41 AM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    That's seriously bad advice and I suggest nobody follows it.

    I'd also suggest that post #32 is edited or removed, as well as this one.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
    That's seriously bad advice and I suggest nobody follows it.

    I'd also suggest that post #32 is edited or removed, as well as this one.
    Bad advice? Really? I had issue with ungrouping objects (programm just froze all the time) and nothing could help me. Took me A LOT of time to figure out how to cope with it. Lot's of back-ups in the Xara folder is annoying. So, please, if you don't like my advice - don't follow it. I will be just sad if someone will have same issue and will find no resolution just because of the fact that you want it removed.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    You don't need to necessarily delete the backups - backups being stored on the file system will not cause a problem, but you could prevent them all from being opened when the program starts, which is what I think you mean. If the program has an error when opening, it could be caused by a document opening that has an error on load, so preventing the backup from re-opening could solve the problem.

    Certainly deleting random files in the AppData folder is bad advise and should not be followed. The default location for backup files created by Xara programs (WD, PGD, DP) is within the AppData folder, but again I'd not recommend deleting these on a whim. Only delete files that you know what they are for and why you are deleting them, regardless of where they are stored.

  6. #36
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    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    Well, the backup folders can get huge in terms of file size. When I cleaned out some old backup files from several back versions of Web Designer and Designer Pro I cleared up somewhere around 50GB. If you are working on a large file, such as the tutorials and Workbooks I used to create for the Xara Xone, and Xara is creating a complete backup every 10 minutes, the file size adds up very quickly.

    One could always move the backup files to a temporary folder to see if LogoMount's solution works.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    Yes, I agree Gary, but LogoMount suggested deleting files under AppData - there are a lot of files in the AppData folder, but I see he has now updated his original post to clarify where he is talking about. Thanks LogoMount.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    Quote Originally Posted by LogoMount View Post
    Bad advice? Really?
    I believe that the original path was less discriminating than the one that is there now.

    When I looked at the post the path was: C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\ inviting people to wipe data for
    all installed software.

    That's what my comment was about. You should have at least stated that the path had been altered.

    I stand by my original comment for the post as it was. People following your original advice would have lost data in all of their installed software.

    Even wiping the Xara files needs some thought about what you are doing. Not something for the unwary.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    and has been said already, in so many words, deleting the files is just not good practice - shift them to another location, or 'zip em, but don't delete them.. just in case

    now I actually have backups turned off - which is not an option I would recommend anyone else to do necessarily, but it is an option that is available in the program and as long as I keep pressing ctrl+s I'm happy working that way
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  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    Ctrl+S only goes so far - don't forget to make copies of the file.

    My general practice is to date my project files in the filename - myproj130620, for example, and regular copies to another media.



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