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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    I use FP2002 with Webstyle 4.
    Recently I placed four buttons (nav bar) horizontally on a couple of pages. I using Preview window (FP2002) I can see them and even see the on/off effects.
    When I check the code on a live display using IE6 Browser, I can't see the buttons, but here is the view of the source:
    <!--webbot CLIENTSIDE
    bot="Ws4FpEx" MODULEID="'Navigations (Project)\nav_mwga_off.xws'" PREVIEW="<img src='../../../1_graphics/_graphics1graphics/navigation_buttons/nav_mwga.gif?00079558' editor='Webstyle4' border='0'>" startspan --><script src="xaramenu.js"></script><script Webstyle4 src="../../../1_graphics/_graphics1graphics/navigation_buttons/nav_mwga.js"></script><noscript><img src="../../../1_graphics/_graphics1graphics/navigation_buttons/nav_mwga.gif?00079558" editor="Webstyle4"></noscript><!--webbot
    bot="Ws4FpEx" endspan --> <p class="banner" style="text-align: left; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0">

    It seems to me that all the graphics and scripts are in place, but still I do not see the buttons.

    I noticed several reports of similar problems and mostly the suggestions are that the scripts and graphics most be in the same folder. For all of the above to be shown in the source code, it tells me they are all in the same folder.

    I would appreciate additional help.
    URL: http://www.rhcc-fl.com/mwga_webpage.htm

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    I use FP2002 with Webstyle 4.
    Recently I placed four buttons (nav bar) horizontally on a couple of pages. I using Preview window (FP2002) I can see them and even see the on/off effects.
    When I check the code on a live display using IE6 Browser, I can't see the buttons, but here is the view of the source:
    <!--webbot CLIENTSIDE
    bot="Ws4FpEx" MODULEID="'Navigations (Project)\nav_mwga_off.xws'" PREVIEW="<img src='../../../1_graphics/_graphics1graphics/navigation_buttons/nav_mwga.gif?00079558' editor='Webstyle4' border='0'>" startspan --><script src="xaramenu.js"></script><script Webstyle4 src="../../../1_graphics/_graphics1graphics/navigation_buttons/nav_mwga.js"></script><noscript><img src="../../../1_graphics/_graphics1graphics/navigation_buttons/nav_mwga.gif?00079558" editor="Webstyle4"></noscript><!--webbot
    bot="Ws4FpEx" endspan --> <p class="banner" style="text-align: left; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0">

    It seems to me that all the graphics and scripts are in place, but still I do not see the buttons.

    I noticed several reports of similar problems and mostly the suggestions are that the scripts and graphics most be in the same folder. For all of the above to be shown in the source code, it tells me they are all in the same folder.

    I would appreciate additional help.
    URL: http://www.rhcc-fl.com/mwga_webpage.htm

  3. #3


    http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/confused.gif I had the same problem on FP2003, It took me about 5 hours to finally figure it out. I'm new to this. A person with more experience would have figured this out in a few minutes hopefully. I did not experience this problem with Menumaker itself only with Webstyle 4, using the menumaker that way.
    Assuming you did the same things as me the tool didn't put your graghics into the website that you were working in when you asked FP to create the toolbar in the first place.

    Here is how I did it right. I created a folder inside my FP website in the folders view. I went to one of the webpages and then inserted xara ... .
    Now in XARA create a new navbar. Just do a couple of buttons. Now hit SAVE. In here make sure that the directory you use in the top bar is the one you just created. Now in the bottom right. Click the button, (it says graphics or something. Now make this directory the same as the one you just created. Test it out.

    Maybe you don't want to lose all your previous work. You need to be sure the thing will work for maintenance. If you try to move stuff around on your own, it may cost you more in the long run.

    Anyways - like some of the other people, I don't like the inconsistency in the dropdown menues, versus the menu items themselves. So I'll be trying out some other tools. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

    Why didn't it just put everything in the right place itself. That's what seemless integration is all about. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

  4. #4


    http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif Update - You can fix the problem if you still have it. I just moved the graphics to the new folder I created and presto, it's working. See my menu at http://members.rogers.com/kdhersey/




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