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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Prince Edward Island, Canada --- The land of lawn tractors


    Klaus mentioned seeing the alpha of Swish 2.0 that is in development. That was enough to get me searching and I found it available for download at http://swishzone.com/Swish20.html. Throwing caution to the wind I installed it without incident. I just spent the last hour playing with it without any crashes.

    I'm thrilled by the fun I was having! I find I'm able to understand how to do things in Swish that escape me totally in Flash. I was really impressed at the quality of importing .png exports (with alpha channel) from xara3d4. Stunning!

    If anyone is inclined to try the alpha of Swish2.0 they should also be sure to try the current release of Swish too. It includes many actions that aren't yet in the Swish2.0 alpha.

    When Swish2.0 is released I'll be selling My copy of Flash on ebay! I'm excited by the possibilities that present themselves when we pair up XaraX with Swish2.0

    Regards, Ross

    [This message was edited by Ross Macintosh on January 02, 2001 at 06:47 PM.]

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    Yeah ... this looks really cool ... I've only used it a bit but it seems straigh forward. I must say that I had actually downloaded the Flash software trial a couple times and never got around to doing anything. It seemed somewhat complicated and I dropped it for more important things. I was recently thinking I might buy Flash5 since I had some extra dough (won a prize in a site design contest) and it might really be good to get into ... but the whopping $600+ Canadian is a real un-incentive :-). If this Swish comes out with vector shape ability in the next little while it'll be a definate buy for me (actually I think I'll get it just as it is now for the text and image abilities). It's nice to find out about this. Thanks!!! (it really is amazing what great programs are out there online ... like Xara X .... just keep looking in places and you find great things that aren't by the big guys)

    David K

    PS .... Ross, you wouldnt know of any place in Halifax (NS) area where Flash 5 was sold .... I've been looking and I don't think it can be found in the area at all. Not planning to buy now but just curious.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Prince Edward Island, Canada --- The land of lawn tractors


    David - I almost always buy online. As you are likely aware, the stores here are full of games-games-games. If you ask them where they shelf the useful software they will look at you like you are an alien. Try it!

    Regards, Ross

    PS. It is a small world: My Mom knows your Mom. Watch what you say around here or I'll tell on you.

    <a href=http://www.designstop.com/>DesignStop.Com</a>

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    WHAT! you must be kidding!! (about the moms)

    Anyway , yeah come to think of it all my graphics (or web) programs I bought online too. Do you happen to know of any online sellers in Canada from which to buy graphics programs like Flash. I did some looking but didn't find a lot.

    I downloaded the Swish 2.0 alpha .... and there's shape tools (although things arent complete). This is 'shaping' up to be quite cool. I did manage to import a .wmf shape made from Xara X into Swish2.0 and messed with that a bit (it's position was way off the screen when brought in) . I experienced a few bugs and my computer froze once (I'm having problems anyway with my comp but only with online items like dial up and browsers). But anyway , it is a promising taste of what this might become.

    David K

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2000


    If you are interested in Swish and similar developments have a look at flashkit.com there's a good discussion group specifically for this prog.
    Also have a look at the competition entries on the swish site to see what you can really do with this

    Oh yes, if you do find any bugs in the new alpha, do mail the Swish crowd, they're friendly and even send replies !!

    There's a new alpha 2 available which fixes quite a few of the original alpha 1 probs and is worth downloading.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Coconut Creek, FL, USA


    Hey, with programs like XaraX and Swish, pretty soon women and children will be doing this stuff!

    Kidding [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2000


    > pretty soon women and children will be doing this stuff!

    Women -do- do this stuff.

    Thanks for your vote of confidence.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA



    Since nobody commented--

    Your Flash animated chair drawing was pretty terrific although the magic pencil seemed to get bored towards the end with nothing much to do once the chair had been rendered and the plugs inserted over the screws.

    Great use of Flash. It's a wonderful illustration of the old saying, make the hard ones look easy and the easy ones look hard. (Your chair falls into the former category).

    Well done.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    Be It Every So Humble...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2000



    When I saw Gary's post, I realized that I'd intended to comment, but I never posted it.

    I loved the chair drawing. I've watched it several times. In addition to being a fun animation, it's a neat example of how lines communicate. Thanks for posting it.

    [Granted, the floating pencil at the end is a little strange, but I'm guessing it's a "typo" [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] ]


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    La Ronge, northern Saskatchewan


    >Hey, with programs like XaraX and Swish, pretty
    >soon women and children will be doing this stuff!

    And some of us children are doing too! ... albiet a 'half-century' child who will most probably never grow up!

    I am sure am glad Will found the time to create 'Flash Chair'! An excellent 2 piece lawn chair. Only thing I could see with regard to the pencil at the end was that it was 'plum tuckered out'! And who wouldn't be tired after drawing that lawn chair so fast!

    hats off

    The Wheel "Chair" Brat
    I won't stand for anything!


    /|================================================= |
    The O CONSULTANT | Reji Martin,
    Wheel /- TO THE | reji@isn.net
    Brat ( )\_ STAIRS! | PEI, Canada
    |================================================= |/
    ----Checkout my carvings @
    ------ O
    ----- /-
    ---- ( )\\_
    The WheelBrat ~ Faisg air an Aird-a-Tuath, Canada




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