Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
It's very simple to link to a phone number:
The issue isn't on how to add a link. The issue is that Apple's mobile browsers change your HTML on the fly by inserting a link and in the process strips your formatting (of phone numbers) so that it doesn't match your original design.

Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
Don't know what value there is to using a period notation such as tel:123.456.7890
I suspect that its a regional convention, with periods, or parenthesis and hyphens used for readability. Breaking larger numbers up often makes it easier to use. However, back on point, even the phone # you posted without periods is transformed by Apple's Safari browser on iPad/iPhones.

This method described here will allow you to overcome that (in XDProX) and retain your design. If you are not concerned with how your page looks in an Apple mobile device, it's really a non-issue.

Additionally, of course you could convert every phone number to an image, but that could be cumbersome depending on the number of occurrences and you would lose the "feature" of being able to click on a number to call it without having to type it.