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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Use of FTP password

    When getting ready to publish in Des Pro I noticed when filling in the splash screen listing several fields like FTP host address, FTP username.........when I fill out the FTP password and check save password in document I get a warning that this is not a good thing to do. Does this mean my web site would be at risk because people could hack the site being about to see the password. I am nost sure what the risk is.

    thanks for your reply

  2. #2

    Default Re: Use of FTP password

    No-one can see the password on your site because it's not kept there or exported to your HTML files.
    The password is saved in your *.web file. So long as you don't share your .web file with anyone (or post it here as an attachment) it's safe.
    Generally speaking though, it's best not to save the FTP password.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Use of FTP password

    The problem (IMHO non-problem) is if someone else has access to your computer. She/he could make changes to your site and publish those changes.

    I save passwords with my Xara files. It makes updating the sites I manage quicker.

    @sledger - Why is it not best to save the password since it is only on your computer?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Use of FTP password

    Because the greater percentage of us lot are over 21 here and Senior (or Señor ) moments can happen. It has happened several times in the past to members (including some moderators and an ex-Admin) that .web or .xar files have been shared on these forums by mistake which still contain all the FTP details. By the time it is discovered you have no idea how many times it has been downloaded. I no longer check this with files attached to posts at TG, so who knows how often it still happens here.
    Obviously everyone is free to make their own choices in this regard just as we are all free to make our own mistakes.. But, in my humble opinion no, don't save passwords with your xara files (as implied by Xara's own warning)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Use of FTP password

    sledger........thanks for pointing out mistakes on password saving. You have helped me notice that when 1st publishing ......there are several web-properties blanks to fill in. Just the other day I forgot to fill in my FTP password and when clicking Publish, the program asked me for it. Before that I have been putting in that field and then choosing, Save details in current document. I don't enjoy having to type all that stuff each time I publish. But will leave the FTP password blank as you seem to be suggesting.

    I sure do miss the way FrontPage let you actually load a site live from the web and do changes. Which as I have read can't be done in Xara products. That is OK with me for it offers me so many fancy things to learn. I have mostly been watching Allen Smith's lessons and reading my Xara book. Need to learn much more before I ask many questions, so not to get the stupid award for this month. From what I have read there are a few who are up for it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Squamish, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Use of FTP password

    Hey Choctaw,

    Mostly that award never gets handed out simply because we're all at different levels and process information differently than anyone else. Every question is a valid question if the person asking is trying to understand something and for whatever reason can't for a number of reasons, one which may be that others also have that same, seemingly stupid question. The key here is that the person asking be trying. If they are expecting someone here to do it for him/her then that would make the award available but otherwise, no such thing as a stupid question. Right?....oh oh, maybe we have the first award handout....me!

    All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
    -Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) - Xara s/w - Xara Designer Pro X11




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