Re: Maintain equal perpendicular width between two curves? For Sankey Diagrams...
To answer your first question: Under the Object menu, click on Expand, then make sure Stroke is selected.
I am no expert on Sankey diagrams but I would have thought if you took your lowest value as 1pt stroke or whatever size stroke you wanted start with and then proportionally increased the size to your highest value.
The question about the connection between one stack and another. Please remember again, I am no expert here on Sankey. I would have thought it would be the horizontal length (left to right) to be important and not the curves. You use the curves to be aesthetically pleasing and to join one area with another, to show the flow.
Also the Pen Tool can have highly accurate curves if you use Smart Guides + Grid. The grid also can be set to your graph units by setting it through the Edit window and then down to Preferences - Guides & Grid.
Design is thinking made visual.