Re: Bouton's Features Wish List for version 9
The thing that I took from SketchBook Pro more than the over elaborate gradient come mold tool was the fact that a none closed line could produce a vector fill. Look at the workarounds that we have to do to get that! Think about the time saved that would produce drawing a cartoon. As Gare has been going on and on trying to focus on his request for brushes/strokes/profiles that work. To all the people that read this thread would that not save you time and effort for all users and it doesn't matter if you are designing for print or web as these features would suit all.
Now I haven't upgraded from DPro 6 because I have felt that the upgrades weren't worth the money asked for them. I don't think that static sites attract my customers as more and more people want the ability to have a CMS type site so Joomla/WordPress have to be used and learnt. My work use to demand that I used AI so I had to reduce the number of times that I booted up Xara and use Illy but I tell you now since CS4 I have enjoyed using that product nearly as much as Xara. So the time has come for the Xara company to raise its game and sort out the brushes, strokes and profiles. I would also add a mention as well, this only applies to the Pro version, the way the programme handles colour as I hate the guess work it involved when producing a PDF this has to be developed or it can't be a Pro version.
Design is thinking made visual.