i may disagree vehemently with the site content, but the design is clean, simple, easy to read - there's no issue with it really. what's important for the site visitor is ease of navigation and legibility. you should perhaps pepper the text with an image here and there to colour it a little, and i find your colour scheme quite cold, perhaps it needs some warmth, orange instead of red, a lighter blue instead of ultramarine, change the background from grey to white - you'll feel you're on a whole different website by just changing two or three colours

one specific observation, you have used the page curl filter on the bottom home page image, it gives the impression that it is a page turn image, either make it so or remove the page curl filter if it serves no useful purpose, remember that site visitors scan a page to look for information identifiers, if a feature is merely decorative, think about whether you need it there at all