I spoke to an American couple (they wanted their photo taken) and said I hoped they'd found things better than some of the press had reported. The husband said that "London is the last place I'd be right now if I was a terrorist.". There was a very clear security presence and extensive checking before anyone got into the Olympic park - but not at all heavy handed.

The flowers are absolutely stunning.

We were VERY lucky to get tickets to the opening ceremony and I can say it was absolutely amazing in the stadium - the atmosphere was electric and the crowd really egging the performers and athletes on. The sound inside the stadium was amazing - 1,000 drummers apparently. The volunteers were dancing all evening. I think they did a superb job and I do understand some parts were a bit quirky! I am in awe of the people involved and I thank them.

If there had been room for the audience to dance, we would have. I know some did. I don't think that any of us that were there will ever forget it or experience such intensity at an event again.

I understand that there's a bit of a controversy because there was a dance sequence in the performance that was in memory of people that had passed on - particularly in conflict, but NBC edited that out of the ceremony entirely. I have no idea why they would have done that.