Hello Kerstin

Simply, create your website in your preferred language and name save this document. For example, My Website - German.web

Save the same document with a new name and call this document, My website - French. Now replace the text with the French version.

Continue to do this until you have a separate document for each language.

Publish each version to a separate folder on your server. Name each folder. So for example, publish the French version to a folder that you have named French. The Spanish version goes into a folder named Spanish.

When you publish each of these different language sites, the home page should be named index.htm or index.html. So each language folder will have its own index.html file and index_html_files folder.


When you create the link buttons for each language, link each button to the appropriate folder.

So, if your website domain name is mysite.com then link the French version to mysite.com/French, the Spanish version to mysite.com/Spanish etc.

Does this make sense?