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  1. #1

    Default What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    Hey everybody, this is my first post and I have no shame in admitting that my sole reason for joining is because I am trying to identify a painting for a friend. They've had it in their family for generations and have no idea who painted it or if it's worth a lot and needs to be protected or insured etc. I only have a couple of iPhone pics at the moment which don't do it justice, it's stunning up close...

    The only details I have are that it's almost certainly older than 1880 (as that's when the family obtained it) and it was obtained in Holland although who knows where and when it originated! Any ideas? I am very ignorant of the art world, I couldn't say if this was renaissance, Baroque, Classical etc... no idea...

    Image 1 (whole painting):

    Image 2 (close up of face):

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, folks!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    You might have better luck if you contact one of the auction houses like Christies or Sothebys. Those auction houses have staffs of art historians and are usually very helpful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    How to determine a painting's value:

    If you like it, it's worth something to you.

    If it has any meaning for you then it has value for you.

    If neither of the above apply, for you it is of no value whatsoever. Discard it.
    "Intbel" ... "Can't" is not an option.

    Compliance is futile. Resistance is futile. Just do your own thing an' ignore 'em.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    Is it signed? if it is then a simple google search of the name should make things clearer. and Raymond, I don't really like the mona lisa, it has no meaning for me; is it then worthless? I wish I was in the position to discard it, or not.
    Flawless Form. Faultless Function. Crafted by Cloud


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Squamish, BC, Canada

    Default Re: What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    Quote Originally Posted by Intbel View Post
    How to determine a painting's value:

    If you like it, it's worth something to you.
    If he owned it, that would be true....perhaps it would mean something to the friend who has asked him to look into it.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Intbel View Post
    If it has any meaning for you then it has value for you.
    In which case, because he doesn't own it, he would have to purchase it, again validating the need for an estimate of the painting...

    Quote Originally Posted by Intbel View Post
    If neither of the above apply, for you it is of no value whatsoever. Discard it.
    Perhaps discarding it is too harsh as just because one doesn't like it doesn't mean it doesn't have value to an individual.....if it has cash value, as many collectors are in the business for, then it has value to you. Why else would someone ask the question....does this have any value? That may sound commercial but we live in that world and many on this site make a living through sales of their art.....there is certainly nothing wrong with getting what the market will bear.

    Please don't say just because someone doesn't like the work for the art that it diminishes the work, it doesn't....There may be someone else out there to validate the work.....cash is funny that way.

    It helps to actually fully read and understand what the OPs post is all about.....

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  6. #6

    Default Re: What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    ok, Gary had some good ideas for you, and to get back to your topic, there are many fine art sites or forums online where the members may be more helpful for this.
    or you may want to study some Dutch artists...
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    this is depend on completly how the demand & supply...

    so i would like to say that is compltly on painting... as per i have seen the painting is awesome...

    & it's completly price less....
    if i were therer, what ever i pay it's not enough....


  8. #8

    Default Re: What is this painting? Is it valuable?

    Well the subject looks to be Ruth gleaning in the field (story from the Bible). If you do a search for the two words 'Ruth' and 'gleaning' in Google Images you will bring up quite a few paintings that are similar; although not, unfortunately, the one you've pictured in your post. Which is understandable as the original painting has been in their family for so long. There doesn't appear to be a signature on the painting either, at least not one I can see from the photo. So a bit of a mystery. Your best bet, as others have mentioned, is probably some kind of fine art valuer.


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