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  1. #1

    Default edit photo gallery that uses layers

    I'm trying to adapt a photo gallery that uses layers - pictures round the edge with a central large photo - I'm working with the one in the Icon website theme. I've searched around but can't find how to add additional pictures round the edge and to make some portrait and some landscape. Obviously it will also mean that I have to adapt the central picture to be square to take either aspect. So far copying and pasting some of the current pictures and then turning them 90 degrees doesn't work (the pictures just get turned sideways and given that each picture has a separate layer, copying and pasting the pictures doesn't create the additional layers. I'd create my own layers with the small frames but can't work out where the settings are that allow you to drag a photo to the small frame and for it to pop-up automatically in a larger size in the central frame.
    There's probably some help out there somewhere but a lot of searching hasn't tracked it down yet. I'm using WD 7 Premium
    Many thanks

  2. #2

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    I helped someone with a very similar question the other day. Perhaps this may help get you started too?

    See ► http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...eview-template

  3. #3

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    Great - I was on the way but have sorted it. Just one question - when I click any of the small images the original image on the mouse off layer flashes up before the new layer appears - have I done something wrong or is there a way to stop this - test site at the moment is here -

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    when I click any of the small images the original image on the mouse off layer flashes up before the new layer appears -
    I'm not seeing that in Firefox, Hilary. Everything is working fine.

    One suggestion I might make to add even more drama to the site (as well as more work ) is to use create mouse over images for the thumbnails. These could contain just text to describe the jewelry, or a modified version of the photo.

    See this page http://www.placitasartists.com/gallery_01.html for an example of what I suggestion. These mouse overs do not trigger pop up layers but they could. And there is a small surprise as each low saturated image achieves full saturation.

  5. #5

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    Mmm - thanks for this, looks fine in IE too, had only done a quick check in Chrome and had a minor panic. Love the idea of the mouse-overs, will have another 'play'.

  6. #6

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    Just one more query - how do the original galleries work so that if you drag a picture to replace a small one it automatically appears as the large image for that layer? Is there a link I'm missing?

  7. #7

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    Hi I have the ghost of the first necklace appearing in chrome. I assume that you have that necklace on the mouse off layer as a permanent enlargement. Why not replace it with a logo or some other graphic and place all of your pictures on layers. Perhaps a feathering to the pictures would make them less "harsh" against the white background and you might like to try a fade transision rather than instant


  8. #8

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    Hi Ken
    Thanks - great ideas, will give them a go.

  9. #9

    Default Re: edit photo gallery that uses layers

    Great improvement how about just slowing down the fade a little to build a little anticipation in your customers. Not too slow otherwise they get fed up waiting.





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