same problem i had its an easy fix when you pull up your site map in the filezilla ftp client go to transfer settings and click passive it will connect

Quote Originally Posted by michellelinzi View Post
I use the hosting service Doteasy for all of my sites. I have been using Xara since Version 5 and have never had FTP issues...until now...
I upgraded to MX 8 a few weeks ago and have had no problems uploading to the basic accounts, but then I bought a domain with unlimited hosting and now when I upload, it works 2-3 times but then it locks me out of the FTP server. Says it cant find it, error, blah blah... and when I goto Filezilla, it cant connect either. I fear Xara is somehow leaving open connections to the server that isnt shutting down after the upload. It takes hours to reset.

any ideas? This is VERY frustrating when you run a web business...

the site is

here is the error in Filezilla

Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server

oh, the funny thing is , I can connect to other sites after this one locks me out, so I know its an FTP problem and not any settings that are wrong on my end...
I contacted them about increasing my available connections but Id like to see this issue fixed.
