Here's a quick video from Xara Designer that demonstrates that it CAN export with a proper alpha (but your NLE must support alpha) and I've included a chroma-key on green to show that this is not the best solution although it would work fine for 1 bit alpha (a la gif) but isn't any good for anything other than that. Here's the setup: star shape has graduated transparency and feather and the screen grab has flat transparency overlaid on the page with no objects except and partially overlapping the green box. Export animation uncompressed with transparency. Import into NLE, make three copies of video, put marble texture below, text labels above. The first copy is unmatted by default, the second has alpha set to 'straight' explicitly and the third has chroma-key on green applied.

That error dialogue in the background is part of the demonstration but actually occurred while trying to export animation from xara.

Despite the fact you have to use uncompressed video and that using the alpha channel can be a bit tricky, this is a powerful and underused feature of Xara Designer.