
sorry to take so long to get back to you, and thanks for taking the trouble to dive in quickly when you did.

It was a false alarm, it turns out. I hadn't explained myself well, because I didn't know what was going on, but I do now!

What happened was that when this new font of ours was created, the wrong code page was used, so stuff wasn't available that I thought would be. That was the first problem, and was spotted and corrected, eventually.

But the next problem had me going. I wasn't there, so didn't actually see what was happening, and stupidly didn't think to ask the obvious questions. Basically, when my chap was typing in the Alt xxxx codes to display things, he wasn't getting what was expected. That's when I came to you in a panic. It was only later that I found that any leading zeroes were being left off, so instead of, say Alt+0xxx, he would just type Alt+xxx, leaving off the leading zero(s).

Alt+0192 and Alt+192 give different things. The full 4-digit code gives the required symbol, anything shorter doesn't. I checked in other fonts, and in some that also happens but in others it doesn't. Still, the symbols are mostly created, in rough form at any rate (my friend is young and impatient - it's difficult to get him to RTFM, even though it will help him get better results, faster, in the long run) and more importantly from my point of view, I can at last reliably call them up in code, So I'm further on than I was last week. Hooking it all up to a keyboard is still going to be fun, but we're making steady, if painful progress there too.

Again, thanks very much for attempting a rescue as fast as you did. Much appreciated.

