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  1. #1

    Default Accessibility to website code

    OK her is a tricky one.
    I have a client who wants to be able to access a part of his web site which I maintain.
    They would like to be able to edit some text to insert last minute activities.
    I dont really want to give access to the whole site because of the inherent danger of the site being compromised.
    NOF has a way to make available certain parts of a site without access to the whole site.
    Any Ideas??
    I was thinking of making a scrolling java banner and giving them access to the text part of the file ???

    thx in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Accessibility to website code

    Yes. Use NetObjects if you have it.

    You can also make some areas that the client cannot edit. It's a good solution.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Accessibility to website code

    From an earlier post of mine: If your client is happy to be able to edit just one page, it is very easy to embed a blog that fills the whole web page. You can call it "news" or "info" and let them edit the blog and the changes are reflected immediately in the web page with no web designer intervention. That is how I have 'pacified' a couple of my clients. Here is an example http://www.fvlhomes.org/newsletter.htm

  4. #4

    Default Re: Accessibility to website code

    I've done this by embedding a page created with Google Sites. Nice thing about that is it's free, nothing to install (cloud app), and you can assign edit privileges to the master file so several people can work on it. You can also embed documents created with Google Docs and have the same kind of collaborative editing. Google Docs also gives you the ability to create interactive forms, and it creates a spreadsheet to capture all the input. You can determine who has access to view the spreadsheet as well.




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