Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
... recommend putting the existing site on the new host and take a little time to do the work needed for converting to an Xara site.

A URL for the present site would be handy.


I should have mentioned that the Xara site is ready to upload, as we have been working on it for several weeks. Does that change your reply about whether it's best to upload the old or new site to the new ISP (or if it doesn't make any difference)?

One reason we'd prefer to skip uploading the old site to the new ISP is that (in a nutshell) the old site has a shopping cart we will no longer be using. The new Xara site uses direct pay via PayPal for each product, instead of using our own shopping cart.

In the meantime, we figured out how to embed the complex Chinese, Japanese, etc. We copied the relevant text into Word Pad, looked up the font listed in Word Pad, then pasted the text into the Xara page and called up the relevant font in Xara. Looks great!