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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Rearranging columns of text

    Hi Folks,

    I have a problem with editing text that I have in two columns, se enclosed image.
    The text cover several pages and I need to delete just only one of the columns but affect the other.
    Actualy I found that it is not possible and I have to mark and delete each line separately
    which takes ages to do.

    Does anybody know how to select a single column in a text box?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	selecting text_1.jpg 
Views:	232 
Size:	56.6 KB 
ID:	88629  

  2. #2

    Default Re: selecting a text column

    If it were me, I would copy and paste into UltraEdit, the text editor I use. One can also do it in an OpenSource editor, NotePad ++. How each do it is different, but they both work for what you want to do.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	column_editing_mode_NP++.png 
Views:	215 
Size:	28.2 KB 
ID:	88630

    The above shows selecting a column in NotePad ++, and after deletion, copy and paste back into your frame.

    Take care, Mike

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Rearranging columns of text

    Hi mwenz,

    Many thanks for the hint, I will try it.
    However it is a bit pitty that Xara does not have such usefull function.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Rearranging columns of text

    Pawel if you create your columns as a text area they are easily selectable and can be rearranged. Using an applications features to your advantage is always the best approach.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Rearranging columns of text

    Hi mwenz,

    I have one more question, is the "Notepad ++" the same as Windows 7 "Notepad 6.1" ands what key and LMB
    to use to select a column?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Rearranging columns of text

    Hi Soquili,

    Actualy I have created text box first in Xara and then filled it with my text I have copied from a Notepad.
    Is that what you mean?
    No key combination and LMB works to selectg a single column, I can only select a whole text from top to bottom
    or I have to select sigle line column one by one.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Rearranging columns of text

    Hi PC,

    NotePad++ is an open-source text editor that is way beyond the simple one provided with Windows.


    So here are a few screen shots.

    You would copy and paste the text into NP++, then choose the Column Mode... menu selection from the Edit menu.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	edit_menu_column_mode.png 
Views:	209 
Size:	43.4 KB 
ID:	88726

    You will then see the following dialog pop up:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2012-04-11 08-32-54_Column Mode Tip.png 
Views:	209 
Size:	17.0 KB 
ID:	88727

    Which tells you to place the cursor where you want the column to begin, then hold the alt key and drag down with your mouse and you will see the result like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	column_mode_editing.png 
Views:	203 
Size:	17.6 KB 
ID:	88728

    Then you can cut and or copy the highlighted text, paste it into another NP++ document, your working files, etc.

    Take care, Mike

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Rearranging columns of text

    Hi Pawel, If you had created the text columns within your Xara application it would be best to create two columns rather than placing double column text within a text area.

    Since you copied the text from notepad it would come in as two columns which cannot be selected individually within your Xara app.

    Follow Mike's advice to select the columns within Notepad++ and paste in to seperate columns with the Xara application.

    Mike, I was not aware Notepad++ could select columns like that, thanks for the information.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rearranging columns of text

    Hi Bill,

    I generally use UltraEdit for coding, but for easy, quick editing I support NotePad++. In UE, I use project files for easy access to specific files for both my web site and others--keeps hunt and peck down to a minimum in order to find files. Been using it since Ian Mead first created it.

    NotePad++ also supports projects in its latest incarnation(s) but don't know how well that function works. However, it has a great file compare function as well, something I use frequently and more than UE's implementation of file compares. NotePad++ is a darn great editor and I highly recommend it to anyone doing web work or editing beyond Window's Notepad. Because it's a stable, long-time project being constantly updated, to me that makes it worthy of throwing something to the project in the way of support (coding, PayPal a couple bucks, etc.).

    Take care, Mike

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: selecting a text column

    Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
    One can also do it in an OpenSource editor, NotePad ++
    Nice tip and very useful. Thanks!




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