I have been using the 9000 series of printers for about 10 years now and I can't quibble about them at all bar being a bit expensive to run. I started of using the S9000 and now onto the Pro series and all are A3+ printers with the latest Pro version is an 8 tank printer when the previous being only six, gives a wider colour print. I have tried filling my own tanks but could not get the right viscosity of ink as I did with the Canon cartridges so I have compromised by using Canon compatible cartridges. It was the colour from the self filled cartridges that was the problem it wasn't so intense, I still could fill the black tank but I don't bother as it is such a bother. I also have an old HP printer which has black + a photo grey tanks which I use for grey-scale prints (black & white) which works very well but both Canons beat it when it comes to photo prints.

This all come down to personal taste as my mate has top of the range Epson which he thinks is far better! Get yourself down to a shop and get them to print out a test sheet or one of your own photographs which you think covers a wide spectrum of colours and see what you think is the best.