Oops. I think I just answered my own question.

When I was Googling to answer Steven on the difference between EPUB and PDF I found that Apple has released a free ebook authoring package called iBook Author.

Superficially it looks totally awsome - but then again I thought the same about Keynote until I tried to use it :-) I'm back to Powerpoint now.

However, it does appear that iBook Author gives me everything I need to produce enhanced ebooks on a Mac. I notice that one can even insert a Keynote file into the e-book. So that takes care of how one would create simple interactive animations.

The downside is that the only thing that can play these enhanced ebooks right now is an iPad - and I'm an Android person. Hopefully we'll see an iBook-capable reader on Android soon.

Hmmm. I'm wishing now that I hadn't given away my MacBook Pro to my daughter last year! I can feel a Hackintosh moment coming on!


PS. If you need inspiration, check out the interactive text books that Apple is marketing.