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  1. #1

    WD6 Coffee Cup Cart Creator - any users?

    Does anyone have experience of coffee cup cart creator? Im wanting to streamline the checkout experience from paypal and this seems to be a reasonable way at a reasonable price with no subscription. Paypal does all I need it to - except that you clearly leave the client website and are redirected for the shopping cart.

    Only thing is that I'd much prefer to create the storefront in WD - then I have complete control over product layout, image size, popup images etc... so all I'd need cart creator for is simply for the cart and not for the store design. Does anyone know if it is possible to create the storefront in WD, import the purchase buttons from paypal and use cart creator purely to streamline the checkout experience and avoid the popup window generated by using paypal alone?

    Thanks for any recommendations...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Coffee Cup Cart Creator - any users?

    Coffee Cup is a good company with good products. I have not tried their cart creator but I believe that all their software is available in a trial version.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Georgia, USA

    Default Re: Coffee Cup Cart Creator - any users?

    Absolutely you can do what you're asking. I own all of the Coffecup Cart creation software and it works great. I would show you an example, but my client closed their website down and it is no longer available, but I put about 2,000 items into that cart and all worked well. It actually has an option to link it directly to your PayPal and FTP accounts.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Coffee Cup Cart Creator - any users?

    Thanks for your replies. Ive downloaded the trial version, but it's not proving very intuitive!
    Pixelpusher - im looking at the cart creator 3.9. You suggesting that I can do all the images in WD, all the buttons and dropdown menus in paypal and purely use cart creator to checkout thus avoiding the extra popup window from paypal? can you give a push in the right direction how to link the add to cart buttons to the cart creator cart or is this not necessary? Is there also a way to display your cart total in the webpage as you shop?

    I need to spend some good quality time with this one...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Coffee Cup Cart Creator - any users?

    I have to scratch this option off the list - it's come to light I'd need PHP ...



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