It's certainly a valid method, Hans, didn't mean to get so heavy on the negative side of the technique!

There's also a place online where you can paint on a bitmap grid and the service for free turns what you've drawn into a TTF that you are then allowed to save, but you also have to share it, Fonstruct.

Are you going to be able to sell your font to Adobe afterwards? Unlikely, but I guess it's a gratifying maiden voyage for some who aren't sure they want to go full bore and use Fontographer or something to make the next "classic".

Type Tool is indeed nice, isn't it? I couldn't believe you could actually do something professional with it, until I took it out for a spin.

It's also nice how in 2012, you can buy the standard edition of Xara for under $100, a font editor for under $100, and actually Photoshop Elements is under $100 and I was very impressed with its features.

There's hope for mere mortals with mortal budgets, who need real tools!


My Best,
