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  1. #1

    Default Button Text keeps moving from the center

    I've noticed something keeps happening: when I bring a button in from the design gallery and I change the text on the button from "button" to "click here" or whatever, the text is no longer centered in the button. When I check the Mouse-Over layer, the text is also misaligned. When I go to center the text on one layer, it then gets misaligned on the other!

    The only way I've found around it is to make the button in a new document and then cut & paste it into the web page. Is this what everyone else is doing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Button Text keeps moving from the center

    Can you point us to a specific button so we can see if we can reproduce what you are seeing?

    It sounds to me as though the text on the button was not center justified and was centered over the button shape and grouped. This would cause the text to be off center if the text were changed.

    The way to get around this is to remove the soft group from the button, then ungroup the mouseoff and mouseover versions, center justify the text, and then regroup and then reapply the soft group.

    That work?




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