Welcome to TG's very own font identification and recommendation service!
Got a font with a weird name? Feel certain there's a standard commercial name for it? Got an example of a typeface you need to match but don't know the name of the font? This is the place to find out what you need to know. If you're a font guru, you can put your knowledge to good use and provide help here by identifying fonts and sharing your knowledge about about the merits of the different versions of the typeface.
You can post screen captures of a font for identification, and if you need to track down a specific font or a close match, ask here - someone is sure to know where you can find what you need from reputable sources.
We welcome screen captures and artwork that shows the fonts you are talking about, but please do not upload the fonts themselves. Fonts are copyright protected items and usually can not be freely shared. Additionally the purpose of this forum is to learn about fonts, not serve as a distribution point for fonts. If you've created a font yourself and want to share it with the TG community please submit it to the moderated TG forum, Free & Fixed Fonts Gallery.
Welcome to TG's very own font identification and recommendation service!