Cleaning companies are indeed a glutted market. But you can, with Google's aid in how it personalizes people's searches based upon region, rise a bit in placement. Generally, one would make sure to use your location both in the meta tags and on the relevant pages.

However, one of the other issues is this. You mention you have 20 hits a day (via Google searches I presume). How many of those are converted into bookings? How well is your retention rate on return customers? How well can you convert one-time cleans to scheduled bookings? Are you prominently displayed in the yellow pages?

I ask those things because my mother ran a relatively large local cleaning company for about 15 years. Never had a web site. Cold calls, leaflets, auto-faxes to companies, etc., were used. Even so, the largest segment of new customers all came from the yellow pages. The hardest part was getting those contacts to book. Once booked, the next hardest was to convert them into scheduled bookings. From talking with her, the split on business origins was about 65% yellow pages, 15% cold calling, 10% from referral and the remainder the other options.

Take care, Mike