You can do it! Here is the work around. In Excel or where ever you want to do it is to make a marcro which will give you numbering up to what ever you want. Then copy that numbering from Excel onto your clipboard and then take it into Xara. Make your page layout and in a separate layer put a text box. The size of the text box is so important as when you paste your numbers into it you just want at the start one number to show for the first 9 times. Once you have the text box adjusted for the single number "Duplicate the Current Page" through the Edit menu for the number of pages that you want. Link the text box from one page to the other in order and then go back and paste the number from Excel into the first text box. You may have to edit text box size from 10 onwards but it does save you time especially on page ten you slightly enlarge the widith of the text box on this one to suit 2 numbers and then duplicate that page onwards.

This method can be used for invoices, ticket numbering and the like in Xara.