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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Newbie questions

    I just began using Xara webdesigner and I am very impressed. I have two issues that I cannot seem to figure out though and I was wondering if someone would be good enough to help me with them.
    1) I do not know if I changed some setting but everything I drag onto any page is automatically going to the bottom layer and I cannot seem to find it to arrange it to go to the top layer. Is there a setting that I accidently pressed or something I can do to remedy the situation. Admittedly, my knowlege of the layer area is murky at best.
    2) When I copy a picture that I am using basically for size than put another picture in its place the original picture changes to the one I just put on the copied picture. I am sure there is a way to stop it but I cannot seem to find it.

    Thanks so much in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Welcome to TalkGraphics Jim

    You want to place your objects on the MouseOff layer, which is the bottom layer. Only objects on the MouseOff layer will appear when the page loads, unless you link to them on a different layer.

    You can control the layer you are on in the Page and Layer Gallery.

    If you drag and drop a photo onto an existing photo, it will change any other instance of that photo. To prevent this, hold down the Ctrl key as you drop the new photo and from the pop up menu, select Replace Just this Photo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Hi Jim, welcome to TG

    Dragged objects are dropped onto the current layer. You can either select the layer first in the "page and layer gallery" or drag the objects to the desired layer (also within the page and layer gallery).

    To change only one copy of an image hold down the control button before dropping.

    Edit: Gary is a faster typer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Thanks very much to both of you!



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