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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default navigation buttons eyecatching widget not deleteabl

    Hi there,

    I'm building a website with Xara Designer Pro 7. On all pages I placed an
    eyecatching widget with "fade-effect". The only problem is that the navigation buttons
    that were build in with the widget are always visible and I want them to be not visible.

    The buttons are always on top of everything else. How can I remove them of make them invisble. The widget is just there for display.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: navigation buttons eyecatching widget not deleteabl

    Welcome to TalkGraphics Jerry

    I do not think the buttons can be removed.

    There is a Widget Pack 1 that was just released that has an effect called Image Carousel that rotates the images and does not have buttons. But other than this, your best bet is to create your own Flash animation, (File > New Animation) or use a product such as Simple Viewer Pro or the free version SV Builder to create your own slide show.




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