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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Uniontown, OH

    Default Re: Problem with ie8

    Couldn't you just type in URL thusly: www dot sitename dot com? Then I am sure someone here will know that it is www,sitename,com and can check it out.
    Last edited by jyoung; 14 September 2011 at 11:34 PM. Reason: removed url command

  2. #12

    Default Re: Problem with ie8


    The link is below. I spent ages testing this yesterday, on a PC with windows 7 and ie8 and also on a pc with xp and ie8. Same problem.

    In firefox and chrome the page in question loads progressively and takes around 10 - 15 seconds (not overly fast but I can live with that) to load on a 1mb connection. In IE8 the page partially loads (just a couple of text elements) and then hangs until all of the content is loaded (no progressive loading) which takes over 1 minute. During this time ie8 becomes unresponsive. This happens if I use 1 or 8 popup layers. As advised, this is not a popup layer problem (as far as I know) but a problem with the actual page which contains the popup code when loading in ie8. I downgraded the xp system to ie7 and the problem was not apparent.

    As ie8 is still the most popular of the ie browsers this is something I cannot ignore (wish I could!)

    The link is:

    www.pageflipdesign dot com/clients/salg/CGE/scotland2.html



  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Huntington Beach, CA

    Default Re: Problem with ie8

    I just took a quick look using IE8 and Firefox 5. Both worked... but you are right site loads very slowly. Is your Flash file large? I have a pretty fast connection and on both browsers, it loaded piece by piece - about 10 seconds. When I clicked on Scotland golf tours in IE it took a LONG time to load. The pop-ups work and nothing crashes. Just long load times. Takes longer in IE8 than Firefox.

    Only thing I can think of is the flash slide show. Unless someone has better ideas, I would delete the slide show and see if it still loads slow or crashes. Keep deleting things one by one (save as different version WEB file so you can go back to the original easily). Delete background images, etc. Try to narrow down an item that may be causing problem... but then again, you've probably already done all that.

    Hopefully, someone smarter than me can help you out.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Problem with ie8

    Hello and thanks for the reply.

    I have tried with and without the flash, the flash slideshow is not overly large. As advised in previous posts. I can cope with the site being a bit slow to load as long as it is progressive which is not the case in ie8. It happens whenever I add popup layers to a page, I have ruled everything else out, flash, large png's etc.

    Thanks again


  5. #15

    Default Re: Problem with ie8

    I just want to clarify again to my post above. When I have NO popup layers on a page it behaves itself in IE8. As soon as I add a single popup layer (or multiple popup layers) it hangs in IE8, takes over a minute to load and does not load progressively (in other words IE8 looks like it is frozen) it is NOT a problem with popup layers themselves as everything works fine in Chrome and Firefox. I have tried to disable all add-ons in IE8, reinstalled Java, tried in compatability mode and yet there is still a problem. It is not local to one machine, I have tried on both XP and Windows 7.



  6. #16

    Default Re: Problem with ie8

    Just to add to my 2 posts above. This is the page 'without' any popup layers on it. Loads perfectly well in ie8 (a little slow but that is not the issue). This leads me to believe that it has to be a problem with how ie8 is trying to read the popup layer information at the same time as the other content on the page but I am baffled as to why.

    The page which displays the problem listed in my posts above:


    The page which does not have a problem (same design, elements, flash etc EXCEPT NO popup layers)

    http://www.pageflipdesign dot com/clients/salg/CGE/scotlandgolftours.html



  7. #17

    Default Re: Problem with ie8

    I think I have identified the problem but don't know what it is.

    I have been using WD7 to create the website and also export it. Just by chance I thought I would try opening it in designer pro 6 and export it that way. Removed all the old files off the server and uploaded the newly DP6 exported version and hey presto it works as it should. This leads me to believe there is a problem with the way WD7 is exporting the files (and the code). I have other web sites created with DP6 but edited and exported with WD7 - they ALL suffer the same problem with hanging until fully loaded in IE8 when the page contains popup layers. I will now try to export them using DP6 instead.

    Wierd but definately an issue with WD7 - tried on multiple systems using ie8 and always as problem when popup layers are involved.


  8. #18

    Default Re: Problem with ie8

    BobFromCa - can you please check the link again now if you are still around. It should now load exactly the same in ie8 as in chrome or firefox.

    http://www.pageflipdesign dot com/clients/salg/CGE/scotland2.html






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