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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Melbourne Australia

    Default Remote Website updates?

    I have purchased Web Designer Premium 7 with a view to creating a website for my camera club and it appears that this is easy enough to do.

    However, I am hoping that someone can advise me if there is a way that, after it is published, another person without WD7 could update some text on the pages and/or replace photos each month. Or would they also have to own WD7 to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Remote Website updates?

    Xara Web Designer is designed as a 'CMS'.
    The short answer is 'No'..

    The long answer is, (politely) search the forum This has been a question asked by many many people and the solutions (for some) range from simple text files embedded via placeholders and edited via FileZilla, to an embedded Google Doc, Zoho Doc or Blogger pages. Member 'xtom' is working on a commercial CMS system to plug editable areas into a placeholder onto a page in Web Designer. But, ALL these solutions are considered Work-arounds because quite simply, Xara is not designed for this kind of thing at all. For one thing, Xara pages are not dynamic, so any CMS content cannot automatically expand the area around it to suit additional content within the placeholder, it is constrained by the size of the placeholder which holds the code for the CMS section. Xara writes absolute positioning CSS html, the whole point of the way designer works is for WYSIWYG web site design. In other words, you design your page in Web Designer and when you export it that's exactly what you'll get as HTML.

    If you want true CMS and remote editing, then Xara isn't the way forward.
    But having said all that, Xara Web Designer 7 Premium is still probably the best dedicated Web Designer app out there, and you have all the tools for great web graphics too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Melbourne Australia

    Default Re: Remote Website updates?

    Thanks so much ShapeShifter. Appreciated.




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