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  1. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lakewood California

    Default Re: Great tutorial revisited

    I love Xara! It's amazing when someone can look at something and express themselves on this type of canvas. I have never been able to draw with pen and pencil, but I can in Xara. Gary, You did an amazing job on this tutorial. thank you for all your contributions to this forum. I greatly appreciated.

    My son is just getting started with Xara. He started with the world clock, (which got him hooked.) and now he has just completed this tutorial for himself. I give him some tips here and there, but he goes through the tutorials by himself. BP sent him some images of some of the work that he has done and really fired up my son's interest. He used to say that vector work look cartoonish and he did not like the effect. That was until BP sent him a picture of the Ferrari that he had done. After that, he was sold and started working on the world clock.

    Thank you, Gary, Rik and gray for your comments. I greatly appreciate the support from everyone on this form. Everyone has been so helpful in the development of my Xara skills.
    Last edited by Psaumure; 10 July 2011 at 05:57 PM.




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