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Thread: Image Size

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Nottingham UK

    Default Image Size

    This is doing my head in now, I've spent the last 3 hours trying to sort this,

    I have 22 JPG image's total size 2.69 MB
    when I drop them to a page I'm trying to build the size increases to 32 MB from zero in a new document, displayed in the Document Info.
    Even after I Optimise the photos by Pixels/Resolution or JPEG/PNG and quality the least I am able to reduce it to is 16 MB bearing in mind they started at only 2.69 MB

    My site will be just a personal site with a lot of pictures, therefor this is a big problem for me.
    My original site made with Frontpage total size 30 MB with over 250 images, it is these
    image's I intend to use in WD7.

    Any Ideas
    Cheers Rob

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Xara Group Ltd

    Default Re: Image Size

    The document info dialog is showing the uncompressed size of the images not the size of the resulting .Web file or the size of the images when you export the website.

    While a single Web document with 250 photos in it may give you some difficulties (depending on the images and exactly how they are used on the site), people have created Web documents with many more photos than this without significant issues.

    So, try saving out your Web document (before your attempts at optimisation) and see what the size of the .web file is. Then also try exporting the document as a web site and confirm that the photos are still being exported as JPEGs and are a reasonable size.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Nottingham UK

    Default Re: Image Size

    Thanks Gary for the quick reply,
    I have now found what is happening,
    adding a photo is OK it will stay as a JPEG but when you add a shadow to it the size increases and changes to
    a PNG. One photo at 109 KB will change to over 600 KB with the shadow added.

    Cheers Rob

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Nottingham UK

    Default Re: Image Size

    Sorry Gary

    Thanks Gerry

    Rob (I think)



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