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  1. #1

    Question Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    Anyone else have problems with moving widgets inserted into WD6 from jotform?

    Every time I move a form around that has been inserted from jotform i get one sort of error message or another which results in WD6 freezing then closing. The latest one is described as "an extremely serious error has occurred" followed by "web designer 6 has requested to end its run time in an unusual way" followed by "xara web designer 6 has stopped working", then it closes. Another common one Im getting is "out of memory" when i try to move the widget, but the file isn't large and in theory there should be sufficient memory available...

    Does anyone else have these problems moving / resizing widgets from jotform on the page? Once it's on I darn't touch it! Getting to be a bit of a headache, its closed its self down 3 times in the last 2 hours because im inserting text around the widget and consequently need to move it down the page.

    Perhaps doing something wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    Hello Megg

    I have no idea what is causing the problem. But there is a check box, Regenerate placeholder image automatically in the Website Properties > Placeholder section that you should un-check. Maybe that will make things a bit easier.

    I tried to create a form just now with the JotForm widget and I got absolutely nowhere.

    Have you tried creating your form on the JotForm website then copying the code and placing it in placeholder? I suspect you may have better luck doing this.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    Still having soooo many problems with this. I've tried to put some more forms into the site from jotform and the same thing happens as before. Once the forms are eventually in they are fine if left alone - its when the forms are moved or resized I get "Access Violation Exception" then it sends an error report and closes the program. Occassionally also "an extremely serious error has occurred".

    How come so many problems with the form widgets from this website? Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I've got PayPal widgets on there too and they import and move fine.

    I've dragged and dropped from the designs gallery.
    Opened a new web page for jotform and then pasted the code.
    Set a placeholder with "regenerate placeholder image automatically" ticked.
    Set a placeholder without "regenerate placeholder image automatically" ticked.

    each time no matter what I do when I try to resize or move the form I get the same error messages. It's a nightmare & I can't get any further with the website til this is done.

    The form Im working on right now is large - although in jotform its only 660 width and my page is 900 it's importing at around 1000 and then the length needs to be modified too - which is where im encountering the problems.

    Really, any suggestions welcome. Swearing at is hasn't worked either... I've tried that many, many times.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Park City, Utah

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    Are you creating the form in Jotform (on their website) using "embed" and "Iframe"? Then pasting the code into a placeholder HTML body tag?

    That's how I created this form: https://www.parkcityrvresort.com/reservation_form.htm

    Don't use the widget.


    P.S. Just noticed Gary suggested the same :-)
    Last edited by camelot217; 02 June 2011 at 04:19 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    I've tried all the things I put above.

    Usually I make the form on the jotform website, then click embed, copy the code, then paste it into Xara. To be honest this is my first site with Xara and a lot of the terminology is lost on me. Im right at the beginning of this learning curve.

    I made a small form the other day, just three input fields and that resized ok in Xara, it seems to be when im trying to rezise the bigger forms (which I do by just dragging out the corner boxes). The form you put a link to is like the rest of mine, long with a lot of fields in and it's these one's Im having problems with (moving and resizing). I've noticed that someone else has put up a thread for getting the same error message when dragging photos.

    Can someone tell me (in laymans terms) if I uninstall and reinstall WD6 is there like **any any** possibility that I could lose any data? I've worked on what Im doing for months now, but I can't get any further while it keeps freezing and closing literally a dozen times a day.

    I've got my work saved obviously (on hard drive and usb pen) - but is there anything else which I should back up or anything else I should know before I go ahead and uninstall in the hope it will fix this problem? I'm no techy, and I don't want to risk losing my stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Park City, Utah

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    You will not lose any previous work if you reinstall WD6. These files will still be where you saved them.
    Can you upload the code for your form so we can try?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Park City, Utah

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    I'm not sure how you can resize your form. If the code is embedded into a place holder's html body tag you only see the place holder and can resize that. When you preview that page you see your form. The form is linked and hosted at jotform. However if you resize the placeholder your form's size will not change. You can move the placeholder around with no problem. The forms dimensions should be set at jotform.

    Just in case you're not doing this: Draw a square (placeholder) place this square where you want your form to be. Right click the square > web properties> placeholder> HTML code (body)> and paste the code from jotform (Iframe) into this box and click apply. Now your form is embedded into this box (placeholder) and you should be able to move it anywhere you want. Click "export and preview page" to see the form on the page.
    Last edited by camelot217; 02 June 2011 at 12:43 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    Ok I will try that next. Thanks. How do I ensure that the page is the right size for the form to fit and still leave the header stuff on the bottom where it should be? Is it just a matter of messing around with it til it looks right in the preview? I mean do I have to make the placeholder object central or something so the form doesnt just appear at the top of the page and cover the text there? <I've uninstalled xara and am defragmenting the hard drive before reinstalling again so can't get on it right now> Im hoping that will help with the constant memory low and out of memory messages

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Park City, Utah

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    If the page is not long enough just resize it but dragging it down (put your cursor at the end of the page and it will able you to lengthen the page. Play around with this until your form fits on the page. If you have the footer objects as repeating objects they will adjust accordingly. (In WD6 press update repeating objects in WD7 this happens automatically)


  10. #10

    Default Re: Error messages caused by jotform widgets

    Quote Originally Posted by camelot217 View Post
    If the page is not long enough just resize it but dragging it down (put your cursor at the end of the page and it will able you to lengthen the page. Play around with this until your form fits on the page. If you have the footer objects as repeating objects they will adjust accordingly. (In WD6 press update repeating objects in WD7 this happens automatically)

    As an aside. I tried your page and the jotform is not https (secure) according to IE 9. You might double check that.



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