
Thanks yet again for the info. I told the guy I spoke to that we didn't really need that. I told him my partner had something like 9 USB ports and I've got six so no way did we want a USB hub but he didn't say a word about it being the hub that they were waiting on. In fact I do believe he said it was PP10 they were waiting for. I'll be back in touch with them again later today to find out the hell is going on. Again many thanks for the info.


Someyears ago I was on the committee of the Corel User Association here in the UK and I was asked if I would provide some tech support for our members which I did. However, I was also asked if I had a DOS copy of VP!

Yes I still have v3 for DOS but I don't think I'd have a clue on how to install it let alone use it. I expect I'd pick it up given time but I'd prefer not to install it in the first place. I never was asked for support on it anyway. No reason why someone shouldn't use v3 (I presume the Windows version) if it does everything they want. It was a bit hard going on some things though that are considerably easier with the later versions.
