just starting a reef here is the start with the wire frame of some fish.
just starting a reef here is the start with the wire frame of some fish.
see my photoblog http://kcmcomp.com
just starting a reef here is the start with the wire frame of some fish.
see my photoblog http://kcmcomp.com
hi Mike,
looks good so far. Although I always thought coral reefs had a little more color to em?
If you are interested, I can tell you how to get read of that durn MS messenger for your task bar... Ask me in the OT/BS forum. (I caught your 1st reef before you cut out the full screen.)
here is a update with color. still long way from being done.
see my photoblog http://kcmcomp.com
I like it very much so far Mike!! Keep going, looking good!!
---Wolff On The Prowl---
Looking good so far Mike, from what we can see of it. Could you give us a little larger picture next time? The fish are icon size on this one...
Hi Mike, Yea that is a bit better. 600 to 800 pixels across would be just about right. How big is this one? Looks to be about 485 pixels for the drawing, not counting where you "colored outside the lines".
it is 525 x382. any large than it is over the file sze limit. i used some bit maps on the rocks. so i think that is what is making the size so large. if i get a chance tomorrow night i will post some pics of the fish.
see my photoblog http://kcmcomp.com
Hi Mike,
Try posting it as a 70% .jpg. I am sure you can make it bigger using .jpg. The attached picture is just a resave of your picture at 740 and a 70% .jpg (49K)