Hi John,

Thanks for the comments. The body is still very much in need of work. The image is about 25" X 30" so shrunk down like this you loose ALLOT of detail for sure!! I'm not sure how I'm going to present him when I'm finished. I think I will have to upload a larger (not the full sized version, a version about half the size of the full sized original) up onto my web site and link it here so you can study it a bit more.

The face is my face and I was working off of it as a template, scary , and I know I need to add in the nose and mouth and work on the eye area a bit more but then again the eyes are like energy areas, notice the beams streaming out of them! Hey, at least the hands are showing up pretty good, they were a real challenge for me. The feet are really boots and I'm still kicking around the idea of having a full costume on him and then the boots would be different from the stary body look (which hasn't been applied yet. The Body will be done similarly as the cape but with a more blue based background so he stands out as I intended.

I created about 6 fills and chose 2 of them to work with. The larger one is the background and the smaller one is for the body/maybe costume/cape. Still going to add in a couple of more strategically placed planet's further out and some star bursts to really heighten the Deep Space feel and of course the fractals need some defining as well, kinda drifting by..... It's fun and he's coming together pretty nicely.

Thanks again for the input and compliments!