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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, Massachusetts

    Default Photo Frames Again


    I know I asked this once before and got help on the forum (thanks!), and I know what follows is an awfully long appeal for help (sorry!) but I still haven't gotten clear on photo "frames."


    My reading in the Help documentation has also raised a question for me about whether photos I drag into WD6 are automatically placed in the bitmap gallery...what, exactly, happens to photos once I bring them into WD6 as far as their location in the file system?

    So, first....

    The Web Designer tutorial video on "photo handling," there are several references in the early minutes to dragging photos onto "frames" and then adjusting them with the fill tool within the frame.

    I see in the Designer Gallery that there are some available downloads for frames that allow for caption space, Polaroid styled frames, etc. But is there some other mechanism for establishing a plain photo frame (no captions, no design elements, etc.) in a specific place at a specific size on the page?

    Or is this simply establishing a shape with the shape tool and then laying the photo on top of it?

    And next...

    Does dragging a photo into a customized theme automatically place that photo into the file folders of the website I am developing? I see that there are photos from the original theme listed in the page and layer gallery...but I don't understand how I would create the same kind of reference to my own photos in the page/layer gallery below the specific page the photo has landed on...and whether this is something I should be doing or whether it is somehow automatic.

    Many thanks in advance for your patience in helping me out.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Photo Frames Again

    When you drag and drop (or import) a photo into Xara, a copy is placed in the Bitmap Gallery. As long as that image is being used, a copy will remain in the gallery. But if you delete the photo from your layout, close Xara and reopen Xara, the photo will be gone.

    If you publish your website, either to your desktop or via the FTP module, any photos you have used are automatically placed in a folder Xara creates. So if you export your site as index, Xara creates a folder index_htm_files and places your images in that folder. The folder has to be uploaded to your website when you publish your site because the HTML pages look in that folder for the images.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, Massachusetts

    Default Re: Photo Frames Again

    Thanks very much.
    Two followup questions: 1)When you say "if you export your site as index" I don't know if this refers to a customary publishing/uploading process for the site or some other operation 2) when you say "the index_htm_files folder has to be uploaded" is this a separate operation from the customary publishing/uploading process?
    I'd certainly appreciate your continued help!




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