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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Error durring Export of website

    I am still fairly new to Xara Web Design. But have been using it for a little time. Well today I made some changes to my website and when I went to Export it befor publishing.

    I recieved this error.


    then shortly after it is cancled it pops up a window that say's

    Out of Memory

    Any help please?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Error durring Export of website

    this comes up before the error code.

    access violation exception at 0x0fb420c6

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Error durring Export of website

    Welcome to TalkGraphics Tim

    If you close the program then reopen do you still have this problem?

    If so the file has probably gotten corrupted. It happens sometimes.

    If this is the case all may not be lost. Web Designer creates back-up copies of your document. You can find these in File > Open Recent > Backups... (bottom of the recent files list). Open the latest of your backups and you may be OK.

    Out of Memory errors can occur if you are working with a lot of photo images and if you do not save your document often. Xara supports almost unlimited Undo's and if you do a lot of editing, this can eat up your system resources and cause crashes and out of memory error messages.

    If this happens, try to save your file. Or in Web Design 6 you can shut down without saving by clicking the red X icon in the top right portion of the screen. Web Designer will save your work and it should be available the next time to start up the program.

    Another thing to do if you have a lot of photos in your web site document, is to select Optimize all JPEGs from the Utilities menu. If you import a lot of high resolution photos, even though they export/publish at 96dpi, Xara stores the photos at their original resolution. If you optimize all JPEGs it reduces all the images to 96 dpi which makes Web Designer run faster and uses less memory.



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