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  1. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: How can I texture a cube

    Thanks simsmj, thats what I'm looking for.
    One question: How can I subtract the holes in the faces?
    I'm new in Xara Extreme, always used Paint Shop

    Edit: Never mind, you have already explained that....
    to subtract one shape from another, select both shapes, with the circle to the front, and then press Ctrl-2, or use the Edit-Combine Shapes-Subtract Shapes menu selection. To subtract multiple circles from a square, first select all the circles (hold shift and left mouse-click on each circle) and add them together (Ctrl-1), then select the square as well, and subtract the new multi-circle object from it with Ctrl-2.
    Last edited by Dante; 06 February 2011 at 11:59 AM.




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