Its been a long while since I posted, sorry about that. Its not that I haven't been designing new maps, its that I am currently working on my own RPG publication project serving as concept creator, designer, developer, cartographer, part-time illustrator, art director, and technical advisor. So much of the work is 'top secret'. The publication should be released sometime early February, with two more products to follow then a hardbound print compilation in the summer - so I've been really busy!

I may not have mentioned it earlier, I'm designing a roleplaying game setting and set of 3 adventuers for Pathfinder RPG, inspired by feudal Japan crosssed with Asian horror. Once published I will post some of the new maps at that time. The product is Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story. Some of my posted maps are for the setting.

Its kind of job security. Instead of waiting between cartography commissions, I become the publisher and demand large amounts of quality maps - really offering more maps than what competitors can afford. So its a win-win situation.

The first adventure has been finished writing as of today, and it going to editing next, it should release sometime in the next two weeks...

Anyway, just a post to note, I'm not dead, or have forgotten TalkGraphics, just buried in my own project for a bit longer.

Michael Tumey