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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Skopje, Macedonia

    xdp6 "Options..." window suggestions


    is there any chances to move these frequently used options:

    from General tab - Angle constraint, Nudge size and Duplicate distance,
    from Grid and Ruler tab - Grid and Ruler spacing and
    from Mouse tab - Magnetic snap radii,

    to status line, and leave or other, not so frequently used one, into "Options..." window.

    I think there is no need "Options..." window to stay open for switching to use these options.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Noo Yawk

    Default Re: "Options..." window suggestions

    Of all of these settings, I think I personally have only ever touched the Grid & Ruler Spacing, and once it's set for a particular page size, I generally don't mess with it after that. But I suppose other people's workflow will be different than mine, and I can easily imagine that they might have need to access these on a frequent basis.

    -- Ben

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: "Options..." window suggestions

    Perhaps a better solution might be to expose those options so you could make your own controlbar for them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Skopje, Macedonia

    Default Re: "Options..." window suggestions

    Yes, it would be nice. But it would be much better if they were located on the status line.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: "Options..." window suggestions

    OK, we'll have to disagree on that one. I would prefer that the status line be left alone. The more stuff that's there, the harder it is to read quickly.

  6. #6

    Default Re: "Options..." window suggestions

    Yes, I’d agree with amoore there, Petar. We all use this software, so what is changed for you is changed for all of us. It is good to customize it to your own needs, but if I have to also have your customization I might not like it.

    In my own case I use the same nudge and angle constraint etc. nearly all the time, and have never used the Grid and Ruler tab once in 15 years. I configure them in templates which never change. When I do change the settings for a particular file, it only takes a few seconds.
    Visiting/participating in TalkGraphics since i/us (’97).




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