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Thread: sharp font.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Is there a way to have small fonts print sharp when exported. The fonts (ex. arial size 8) export a bit fuzzy. They are not very fuzzy, just not a sharp as photoshop. when you view them in the work area, you can zoom in and they are sharp. But when you export them, if you zoom in while in the export options pop-up, you can see it adds "a border" to the letters.
    Any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Is there a way to have small fonts print sharp when exported. The fonts (ex. arial size 8) export a bit fuzzy. They are not very fuzzy, just not a sharp as photoshop. when you view them in the work area, you can zoom in and they are sharp. But when you export them, if you zoom in while in the export options pop-up, you can see it adds "a border" to the letters.
    Any help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    Welcome to the Xara X Conference Cosmo

    When you zoom in on a font in Xara you are seeing the font anti-aliased and as the font is a vector object it will look sharp at any degree of zoom.

    Xara also anti-aliases the text when you export an image with small type. If you switch to Normal view (Window > Quality > Normal) at 100% zoom factor you will see what the text looks like without the anti-aliasing, and it is not pretty :-)

    What you can try is make a bitmap copy in Xara, at the desired export resolution (96dpi for the web) of the image you want to export. Once you have created the bitmap, switch the view quality to Normal and export your image.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you give me the steps I should follow?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wiesbaden, Germany

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    milton keynes



    For my two pennyworth, I too need to produce images with much smaller fonts than 8 pixels, and reading up on the subject on this and other forums I quickly learned that 8 is the threshold. Below that you will get poor results. I also found out through experiment that Xara does produce better results sub 8px than any other package. I regularly produce gif and png images with fonts at 6.4 - 6.3 or whatever they become when the image is resized to fit the screen.

    You can achieve reasonable results if you create your image in a larger size than will be the final version and with a font size that has an even number. THen, set the size of the final image when you export it.

    You can also experiment with different fonts - avoiding those with serifs. So for example Arial and Arial narrow will be better than Times new Roman.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    If you create a grid that is 8 pixels tall and say 5-7 pixels wide and create an alphabet of caps and lower case characters with ascenders and decenders, you will begin to see the problem. There just is not a lot of room to be subtle. You in essence have what the very early fonts had before anti-alaising or font smoothing as it is also called, came along.

    There are bitmap fonts you can use for small type, you can find some in the Xara Xone Shareware Page that have been specifically designed for use at 8pts. You might want to try some of these fonts and then export your text in Normal view.





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