I'm really wishing that there were an easier way to add enhancements to the pages created in DP6 for the web. I've said it once (maybe a lot more,) but I truly believe that if the designer and members of the Pablo created software WB7 can make this happen, why can't Xara? Adding enhancements to a web page is so simple and straight forward. There is no need to create a <head> placeholder and add code, it is done automatically for over 250 add-ons and extensions.

I find myself creating the enhancements in WB7 and then having to laboriously copy and paste code between the two.

There has to be a better way...

(There are those who will get upset over my many rantings about this but I know I'm right. If this one guy can do it Xara has no reason not to do it and do it even better.)

I prefer to work in Xara DP6 and therefore want to see my favorite software get on board with innovative working ideas.