Yep that is why I have this signature, 'be aware not to become a ware.'
So face book is actually the human ware-house.
And I hate those competitions now, from al sorts of campanies, that are almost forcing you to join
facebook or you can`t enter the competition. So I don`t. No free stuff for me, well, I never won anyway
be aware, not to become a ware.
To present the other side of the argument, Facebook is not unlike TalkGraphics. It is a virtual community. I know a lot of people who spend a lot of time on Facebook. I spend about 5 minutes a week when I am really involved. For the most part I stay away.
But when I occasionally stray into some of the other TG forums, I am always amazed to see many of the same people as those who hang out in the forums I am directly involved with. It is a community and a method of connecting with other persons.
Personally, I would rather spend my time being creative.
As the old and long forgotten rock and roll song used to say, Different Strokes for Different Folks.
Gary W. Priester | | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
Bob, I know it's a really frustrating subject ... there is no such thing as privacy anymore. However, I've got to say how enjoyable it is to read your rants. Thanks for the laughs.
I kinda wish that we had like buttons here... that would save some reply's, as well show the obvious... people like what has been posted
You know you don't actually lose that much privacy, except if you have very liberal settings.... It also all depends on what you upload to a social network site....I dont really see it as a threat or problem.
You can knock it but you cannot deny that an obscene amount of people are on facebook, and around 15% of our business sales come from people having viewed our facebook page. Think about it, you can have 500 friends on facebook, and each of them has 500 friends on facebook, even with some mutual friends that is a lot of references, and they are good references because you are usually dealing with a friend or friend of a friend.
Like a little village situation.