I did some looking at my source code and actually have a suggestion for some of the issues mentioned. On masthead and menu text, I noticed that all of the words are converted into png files, like this one: src="index_htm_files/29.png" alt="" title="". And I noticed they all had the alt and title tag ready to be filled in with the same text. If I wanted to do it manually (and I probably should for SEO reasons) it would take a long time for all pages. But since these are all text items, I assume the program could be coded to put them within the alt and title sections before converting to the graphic.

We're already able to change text, size, colors & fonts, so the program knows we're working with text. I'm not a programmer, but it actually seems like it shouldn't be that hard, considering the incredible capabilities of the program as it is. I also looked at some of the javascript drop-down code and can see why search engines will not be able to read most of it. Isn't there some js code that can copy the menu text and segment it within the script to some engine-readable form?