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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    Hi there,

    I am making a website for a friend using Designer Pro 6. My friend is a complete novice and has no suitable software as yet.

    If I make the website and set up hosting etc. can I then buy Web Designer for her and teach her to use it to update small parts of the site using her own computer? Will it be compatible?

    Can I also use my designer pro software to make independent changes to the website using my computer when she has made changes to it using hers?

    Does that make sense? What I think I'm trying to say is... can we both access and change the website from different computers and with different programs?

    Also... could a programmer change the site fairly easily? Does it have to be altered using Designer pro?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    Well yes this is possible, but you and your friend would have to synchronise *.web files after each edit/update you have performed.
    You would also need to be aware of things like Live Effects which are not available in Web Designer - so if you do use DP6 specific tools only, create a bitmap copy for use on the webpage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    Hi sledger, thanks!
    I've been thinking about this. I wouldn't know how to synchronise, so we might just have to email the .xar changes to each other.
    The programmes can read each others files?
    I don't think I use the live effects... ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    I have the same situation. I use Microsofts skydrive to store the .xar file and a notepad for the changelog. that way I (the webmaster) and the owner of the site can make changes to various simple things, and I can keep track of the thing and fix her miscues, hopefully there won't be any? but ... I am trying to get her to completely take over the site so I can go back to something else... find the skydrive thing is very good and free. the files are to large to email.
    obviously, there are other file sharing solutions that can do the same.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    Welcome to TalkGraphics oldgreygeek

    Xara Online has a product called Site Updater that lets a use update parts of a website without owning a Xara product. This might be a solution. Xara Online is planning to stop supporting some of their modules so it is best to check before signing up for the service. I don't think Site Updater is on the list but it is worth checking. I think Site Updater is free as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Boston, UK

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    Simple CMS (http://www.phpjabbers.com/simple-cms/) works a treat with DP6 and WD6. You do need mySQL on your hosting account but the developers will install it for free if you are not confident in doing it yourself. Only $28 and no recurring fees.
    "Second class fairway is better than first class rough!"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    London, England

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    The best way I have found to easily sync files between two or more computers is to use Dropbox. It's free and all you would (both) have to do is sign up and install the Dropbox software. Then make sure to save the .web file in your mutually shared dropbox folder and it will automatically be updated on the other persons computer. If you sign up using my referral link below, we'll both get an extra 250MB of space free.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6 with web designer.

    Thanks guys, these all look promising.

    Skydrive gives 25GB of space which is massive. I also came across Dropbox which gives 2GB for free (enough for me) and looks to be very versatile. The .xar file could easily be stored and updated from both of these. Dropbox says it keeps a record of when things change and by whom.

    Simple CMS I found more complicated, but I need to play with the demo a little longer, we'd need to be able to add pictures, possibly new pages? Xara updater I'll check out. Both these would be great for quick text changes.




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